Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Translation into English

Memetics and memplex and evaluation


Evaluation as an example for memetic differences in two memetically different societies according to the Axelrod´s SIM model

{Author s translation from his Czech original}

Americans started to use evaluation, hence with the analytic assessment of the human performance in carrying out their tasks in the 20s of the last century, around the year 1925. This system is very slowly coming to Germany right now.

After so called velvet revolution in 1989 several attempts were started to perform such evaluation here too. These attempts had died pretty quickly. The reason for starting such or similar attempts and their fast exodus can be easily explained using Axelrod´s SIM model.

Evaluation as such is actually in its substance only a cultural information, but such a cultural information which arose, came to being on certain basis, certain cultural ideological background, hence memetic spawn, memetic mycelia.

When such cultural information arrived to the Czech Republic, then, under the feel that everything coming from the west must be super because unlike under the communism, the attempts were started to implement this American cultural information into the Czech society.

Quick death of these attempts, on the other hand, is an evidence for inability to implement whatever cultural information from one society into another one. Under certain memetic conditions in both societies these is possible, however. Under a different memetic constellation this implementation of cultural information is rather complicated or completely impossible. And this is perfectly well illustrated on the example of dying out of the attempts to implement evaluation in the Czech Republic shortly after 1989.

If, in future, evaluation will be widely spread in the Czech Republic, according to the American pragmatic way, it may become explained in two different ways. One explanation would be, that the Czech society has matured, its ideological, cultural informational mycelia has grown to demanded level, and the society is capable of understanding the meaning of evaluation in its substance and not only on its surface.

The understanding of cultural information from another society only on its surface, society equipped with other ideological mycelia, with different social memplex appears mostly as only blunt copying of surface phenomena which are easy to copy, without any further and deeper understanding of this new cultural information.

There have been plenty of examples for such low quality, but inevitable way of taking over of cultural information from other social memplex in the Czech republic in the time since the velvet revolution until today { the end of 2005 }. I will occasionally return to this problem and describe other cases of such activity.

If we analyze such refusal of certain cultural information of foreign make, based on several cases, and then we generalize the cases, we will come to the same conclusions as Axelrod.

The link to his SIM model can be found HERE. I just would like to mention and support the work of another British professor, Derek Gatherer, who enhanced this model. The above internet link will bring you to the paper written by Derek Gatherer. Where he describes Axelrod´s model and how he improved this model.

This model explains why sometimes some societies cannot understand each other. The reason for this is their totally different social memplex, completely different sets of cultural information, and therefore one society is not capable of understanding the idea produced in the other society, because it misses the informational mycelia necessary for understanding the given idea.

This continues happening daily now, when many ideas originating in the west cannot find the proper echo in the Czech society.

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